Learn how to operate the DP2 3-wheel counterbalanced forklift truck with the comprehensive operating manual provided.
2.2 Lift cylinder

Fig. 5-2 Lift cylinder
1. Piston |
2. AF dust proof |
3. B3 dust proof |
4. O ring |
5. Guide |
6. Cylinder body |
7. Snap ring |
8. Piston |
9. Support ring |
10. Protector |
11. B7 seal ring |
12. Valve guide |
13. Snap ring |
14. Nozzle assy.(left cylinder has no nozzle) |
15. O ring |
16. Pin |
2.3 Tilt cylinder

Fig. 5-3 Tilt cylinder
1. Support |
2. Bearing |
3. Lubrication |
4. Washer |
5. Nut |
6. Bolt |
7. Piston rod |
8. AM dust proof |
9. Guide |
10. Guide ring |
11. B3 seal ring |
12. Bush |
13. Snap ring |
14. O ring |
15. Cylinder body |
16. Piston |
17. O ring |
18. Guide ring |
19. Nut |
20. Pin |
21. O seal ring |
22. O ring |
Electrical system (V18)
2.4 Summary
The ZAPIMOS chopper family represents ZAPI's answer to the needs of the 90's. To ensure that products remain on the market, without running the risk of becoming technically obsolescent, the ZAPIMOS family offer the following features:
-Advanced technology
-Economical cost.
-Maximum safety.
-Maximum flexibility.
-Open to future technical innovations.
-Optimum level of protection.
The design has been derived from:
-High Frequency Mos Technology.
-Real time control over the internal and external components that influence the behavior of the machine, with self diagnosis of the checking circuit themselves.
-Stored Program Machine (SPC), where the hardware is completely separate from the functions to be configured. The programmer is parametric and can easily be modified by the end user.
-Various chopper configurations can be selected by the user, without the need for hardware modifications.
-Future technological updates are made easy for the user.
-The communication protocol will continue to evolve, thereby offering increased possibilities of interaction and expansion. For this reason, the Zapimos family offers a standard dialogue mode with external systems. This allows interfacing with commercially available systems. Zapi can offer a range of individually designed Console Software options with various features and prices.
-Dual-SEM meets the requirements of (IP51). This provides excellent protection against spray (water, acid.) and against the ingress of dust or small foreign particles. Access to the control logic is very simple, and allows simple substitution or replacement.
-The Dual-SEM family of Choppers are suitable for operating on DC voltages from 24V to 80V inclusive, with maximum Armature currents up to 500A. The choppers may be used to control two DC Separately Excited Motors with power rating from 3kW up to 7kW.
Steering angle transducer
Angular position of steered wheels is transduced to an electric information (voltage) by means of a potentiometer, with following characteristics:
-resistance in the 2kohm to 20kohm range;
-suggested rotation electric angle: at least 300:
-Positive supply: 5V or 10V;
-Potentiometer has to be installed in a way that the “zero” position (straight wheels), poti output voltage is in the middle of the electric range corresponding to a full left-to-right transition of the steered wheels;
-Install the potentiometer in a way that, when truck turn right, poti output voltage increase;
-use “SET STEER MIN” and "SET STEER MAX' functions to record the extremes (minimum and maximum) of the potentiometer range; see chapter 5.4.
-use “SET STEER 0-POS” function to record the poti output when the steered wheels are straight;
-Battery polarity inversion;
It is necessary to fir a MAIN CONTRACTOR to protect the inverter against reverse battery polarity and for safety reasons.
-Connection Errors:
All inputs are protected against connection errors.
-Thermal protection
If the chopper temperature exceeds 75C, the maximum current is reduced in proportion to the thermal increase. The temperature can never exceeds 100C.
-External agents:
The inverter is protected against dust and the spray of liquid to a degree of protection meeting IP54
-Protection against uncontrolled movements:
The main contactor will not close if:
-The Power unit is not functioning.
-The Logic is not functioning perfectly.
-The output voltage of the accelerator does not fall below the minimum voltage value stored, with 1V added.
-Running microswitch in closed position.
-Low battery charge:
when the battery charge is low, the maximum current is reduced to the half of the maximum current programmed.
-Protection against accidental Start up
A precise sequence of operation are necessary before the machine will start.
Operation cannot begin if these operations are not carried out correctly.
Requests for drive, must be made after closing the key switch.
-Speed control.
-Optimum behaviour an a slope due to the speed feedback:
-the motors speed follows the accelerator, starting a regenerative braking if the speed overtakes the speed set-point.
-the system can perform an electrical stop on a ramp (the machine is electrically hold on a slope) for a programmable time.
-Stable speed in every position of the accelerator.
-Electronic differential feature with torque balance between external and internal wheel.
-Regenerative release braking based upon deceleration ramps.
-Regenerative braking when the accelerator pedal is partially released (deceleration).
-Direction inversion with regenerative braking based upon deceleration ramp.
-Regenerative braking and direction inversion without contactors: only the main contactor is present.
-The release braking ramp can be modulated by an analog input. so that a proportional brake feature is obtained.
-Optimum sensitivity at low speeds.
-Voltage boost at the start and with overload to obtain more torque (with current control).
-The inverter can drive an electromechanical brake
-Hydraulic steering function:
-the traction inverter sends a “hydraulic steering function” request to the pump inverter on the can-bus line.
-moreover, if the pump inverter is not present (for ex: tractor application), the traction inverter can manage an “hydraulic steering function” by driving a hydro contactor which drive a hydraulic steering motor (output C31).
-High efficiency of motor and battery due to high frequency commutations.
-Modification of parameters through the programming console.
-Internal hour-meter with values that can be displayed on the console.
-Memory of the last five alarms with relative hour-meter and temperature displayed on the console.
-Diagnostic function with Zapi handset for checking main parameters.
-Built in BDI feature.
-Flash memory, sw downloadable via serial link and via CANBUS.
-Can open interface available.
6.4.1"Dualac2" and “Dualac2 Power”- Master
Using the CONFIG MENU of the programming console, the user can configure the following functions
-RUNNING: the counter registers travel time only.
-KEY ON: the counter registers when the ‘key’ switch is closed.
-ON: the battery discharge level check is carried out; when the battery level reaches 10%, an alarm is signaled and the maximum current is reduced to the half of the programmed value.
-OFF: the battery discharge level check is carried out but no alarm is signaled.
-ON/OFF: if this option is programmed ON the traction inverter manages an hydraulic steering function when the ‘key’ is switched ON.
-ON: the stop on ramp feature (truck electrically hold on a ramp) is managed for a time established by ‘auxiliary time’ parameter.
-OFF: the stop on ramp feature is not performed.
-EXCLUSIVE HYDRO: input C10 activates hydraulic steering function, output A31 is activated.
-OPTION #1: input C10 is the input for an handbrake device, active low (open switch).
-CUTBACK SPEED: input C10 is the input for a speed reduction device, active low (open switch).
-ANALOG: the mechanical brake pedal has a switch and a potentiometer installed. When the accelerator is released and the pedal brake is pushed the inverter performs an electrical braking whose intensity is proportional to the brake pedal potentiometer. The minimum intensity is established by the “Release braking” parameter, when the brake pedal is slightly pressed (brake switch close but brake potentiometer at the minimum). The maximum intensity is established by the “Pedal braking” parameter when the brake pedal is fully pressed (brake potentiometer at the maximum). In the middle positions, the electrical braking intensity is a linear function between minimum and maximum intensity.
-DIGITAL: the truck does not have a potentiometer installed on the mechanical brake pedal, but only a microswitch; when the accelerator pedal is released and the brake pedal is pushed (brake switch closed), the inverter performs and electrical braking following “Pedal braking” parameter.
-DIGITAL: a digital (ON/OFF) motor thermal sensor is connected to C25 (C#%) input.
-ANALOG: an analog motor thermal sensor is connected to C25 (C35) (the curve can be customized on a customer request)
-NONE: no motor thermal sensor switch is connected.
8 STEER TABLE This parameter is used to set the correct steering table.
1 SET POT BRK MIN: records the maximum value of braking pedal potentiometer when the braking pedal is fully pressed; the procedure is similar to the “Program Vacc” function (see chapter 6.3). This procedure must be carried out only if the “pedal braking” option is programmed as “Analog”.
3 SET BATTERY TYPE: select the nominal battery voltage;
4 ADJUST BATTERY: fine adjustment of the battery voltage measured by the controller.
5 MAX STEER RIGHT: this is the function to record in the controller EEPROM the steering poti output voltage when the wheels are fully turned right (maximum of the steering poti range).
6 MAX STEER LEFT: this is the function to record in the controller EEPROM the steering poti output voltage when the wheels are fully turned left (minimum of the steering poti range).
7 SET STEER 0 POS: this is the function to record in the controller EEPROM the steering poti output voltage when the wheels are straight.
8 SET STEER RIGHT: this parameter sets the max steering angle in right direction.
9 SET STEER LEFT: this parameter sets the max steering angle in left direction.
10 THROTTLE 0 ZONE: establishes a deadband in the accelerator input curve (see also curve below).
11 THROTTLE X POINT: these parameter change the characteristic of the accelerator input curve.
12 THROTTLE Y POINT: these parameter change the characteristic of the accelerator input curve.
VACC MIN and VACC MAX are values programmable by the “Program Vacc” function.
13 ADJUSTMENT #01: adjust the upper level of the battery discharge table.
14 ADJUSTMENT #02: adjust the lower level of the battery discharge table.

MAIN CONT VOLTAGE: this parameters adjusts the Line contractor coil voltage (PWM output C26)
16 AUX OUTPUT VOLTAGE: this parameters adjusts the Electric brake coil voltage (PWM output C28).
6.4.2"Dualac2" and “Duallac2 Power”- slave
Using the config menu of the programming console, the user can configure the following functions.
Not available.
1 SET BATTERY TYPE: selects the nominal battery voltage;
2 ADJUST BATTERY: fine adjustment of the battery voltage measured by the controller.
3 AUX OUTPUT VOLTAGE: this parameter adjust the voltage of the auxiliary output coil (hydraulic steering contractor coil, PWM output A31
6.4.3"Dualac2&hp" and “Dualac2hp Power”- Master
See chapter 5.4.1.
6.4.4"Dualac2&hp" and “Dualac2&hp Power”-Slave
Using the config menu of the programming console, the user can configure the following functions.
1 SET BATTERY TYPE: selects the nominal battery voltage;
2 ADJUST BATTERY: find of the battery voltage measured by the controller.
3 SET ACCELER MIN: This parameter is used to adjust minimum value of the lift potentiometer. Press ENTER, pull the lever till the lift switch closes, then record the value (OUT--->ENTER).
4 SET ACCELER MAX: This parameter is used to adjust maximum value of the lift potentiometer. Press RNTER, pull the lever to maximum, then record the value (OUT------>ENTER).
5 THROTTLE 0 ZONE: establishes a deadband in the lifting accelerator input curve (see also curve below).
6 THROTTLE X POINT: these parameter change the characteristic of the lifting accelerator input curve.
7 THROTTLE Y POINT: these parameter change the characteristic of the lifting accelerator
input curve.
8 AUX OUTPUT VOLTAGE: this parameter adjust the voltage of the auxiliary output coil (hydraulic steering contractor coil), PWM output A31.
6.5.1"Dualac2"- Master
The following parameters can be modified:
1 ACC DELAY: Determines the acceleration ramp.
2 REALEASE BRAKING: controls the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released.
3 INVERSION BRAKING: controls the deceleration ramp when the direction switch is inverted during travel.
4 PEDAL BRAKING: determines the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released and the brake pedal switch is closed.
5 SPEED LIMIT BRAKING: Deceleration ramp when the pedal position is changed but not completely released.
6 BRAKE CUTBACK: determine the deceleration ramp when the speed reduction input becomes active and the motor slow down.
7 MAX SPEED FORWARD: determine the maximum speed in forward direction.
8 MAX SPEED BACKWARD: determines the maximum speed in backward direction.
9 CURVE CUTBACK: Speed reduction when the truck is doing a curve. The parameter sets the speed set point when the truck driving wheels are running in opposite direction (3 wheels truck, steering angle greater than roughly 67); or when the maximum steering angle is reached (4 wheels truck, the internal wheel is stopped). in intermediate steering angles, the speed setpoint will be within range between the straight wheel speed and the curve cutback speed.
10 CUTBACK SPEED: speed reduction when the cutback switch is active.
11 FREQUENCY CREEP: minimum speed when the forward or reverse switch is closed, but the accelerator is on a minimum position,
12 MAXIMUM CURRENT: this changes the maximum current of the inverter.
13 AUXILIARY TIME: determines the time that the truck is hold on the ramp if the “stop on ramp” option is ON.
6.5.2"Dualac2"- Slave
The menu is not available.
6.5.3"Dualac2&hp"- Master
The following parameters can be modified:
1 ACC DELAY: determine the accelerator ramp.
2 RELEASE BRAKING: controls the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released.
3 INVERSION BRAKING: controls the deceleration ramp when the direction switch is inverted during travel.
4 PEDAL BRAKING: determines the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released and the brake pedal switch is closed.
5 SPEED LIMIT BRAKING: Deceleration ramp when the pedal position is changed but not completely released.
6 BRAKE CUTBACK: determines the deceleration ramp when the speed reduction input becomes active and the motor slow down.
7 MAX SPEED FORWARD: determines the maximum speed in forward direction.
8 MAX SPEED BACKWARD: determines the maximum speed in backward direction.
9 CURVE CUTBACK: Speed reduction when the truck is doing a curve. The parameter sets the speed set point when the truck driving wheels are running in opposite direction (3 wheels truck, steering angle greater than roughly 67) or when the maximum steering angle is reached (4 wheels truck, the internal wheel is stopped). In intermediate steering angles, the speed setpoint will be within a range between the straight wheel speed and the curve cutback speed.
10 CUTBACK SPEED: speed reduction when the cutback switch is active
11 FREQUENCY CREEP: minimum speed when the forward or reverse switch is closed, but the accelerator is on a minimum position.
12 MAXIMUM CURRENT: this changes the maximum current of the inverter.
13 AUXIARY TIME: determines the time that the truck is hold on the ramp if the “stop on ramp” option is ON.
6.5.2"Dualac2"-- Slave
The menu is not available.
The following parameters can be modified:
1 ACC DELAY: determines the acceleration ramp.
2 RELEASE BRAKING: controls the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released.
3 INVERSION BRAKING: controls the deceleration ramp when the direction switch is inverted during travel.
4 PEDAL BRAKING: determines the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released and the brake pedal switch is closed.
5 SPEED LIMIT BRAKING: deceleration ramp when the pedal position is changed but not completely released.
6 BRAKE CUTBACK: determine the deceleration ramp when the speed reduction input becomes active and the motor slow down.
7 MAX SPEED FORWARD: determines the maximum speed in forward direction.
8 MAX SPEED BACKWARD: determines the maximum speed in backward direction.
9 CURVE CUTBACK: Speed reduction when the truck is doing a curve. The parameter sets the speed setpoint when the truck driving wheels are running in opposite direction (3 wheels truck, steering angle greater than roughly 67); In intermediate steering angles, the speed setpoint will be within a range between the straight wheel speed and the curve cutback speed.
10 CUTBACK SPEED: speed reduction when the cutback switch is active.
11 FREQUENCY CREEP: minimum speed when the forward or reverse switch is closed, but the accelerator is on a minimum position.
12 MAXIMUM CURRENT: this changes the maximum current of the inverter.
13 AUXILIARY TIME: determines the time that the truck is hold on the ramp if the "stop on
ramp "option is ON"
Here following the list of parameters which can be set in this menu:
1 PU. ACCELER. DELAY: acceleration ramp of pump motor.
2 PU. DECELER. DELAY: deceleration ramp of pump motor.
3 SPEED LIMIT: determines the maximum lifting speed (percent of the voltage applied to the motor) with a potentiometer control, when the potentiometer is at the maximum of the programmed range.
4 CREEP SPEED: determines the minimum lifting speed (percent of voltage applied to the motor) with a potentiometer control, when the potentiometer is at the minimum of the programmed range.
5 COMPENSATION: This parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the proportional lifting function is active. The value of this V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V will be increased.
6 1ST SPEED FINE: This parameter sets the pump motor speed (voltage applied to the motor) when the 1st speed request is active.
7 1ST SPEED COMP: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 1st speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
8 2ND SPEED FINE: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 2nd speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
9 2ND SPEED COMP: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 2nd speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
10 3RD SPEED FINE: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 3rd speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
11 3RD SPEED COMP: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 3rd speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
12 4TH SPEED FINE: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 4th speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
13 4TH SPEED COMP:this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 4th speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
14 5TH SPEED FINE: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 5th speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
15 5TH SPEED COMP: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the 5th speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as for as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
16 HYDRO SPEED FINE: this parameter sets the pump motor speed (voltage applied to the motor) when the hydraulic steering function request is active.
17 HYDRO SPEED COMP: this parameter sets the voltage compensation (V) applied to the motor when the hydro speed request is active. The value of V applied to the motor is a function of the motor current. Aim of this function is to reduce, as far as possible, the speed change when the motor is loaded. Increasing the parameter, the V is increased.
18 HYDRO TIME: hydraulic steering function delay.
19 PUMP IMAX: The maximum current of pump chopper.
The most important input or output signals can be measured in real time using the TESTER function of the console. The Console acts as a multimeter able to read voltage , current and temperature. In the following chapter a list of relative measurements for different configurations.
6.6.1"Dualac2" and “Dualac2 Power”-Master
1) MOTOR VOLTAGE: This is the voltage supplied to the motor by the inverter; it is expressed as a percentage of the full voltage (which depends of the battery voltage).
2) FREQUENCY: this is the frequency of the voltage and current supplied to the motor.
3) ENCODER: this is the speed of the motor, expressed in the same unit of the frequency this information comes from the speed motor.
4) SLIP VALUE: this is the difference of speed between the rotating field and the shaft of the motor, expressed in the same unit of the frequency.
5) CURRENT RMS: Root Mean Square value of the motor current.
6) TEMPERATURE: The temperature measured on the aluminum heat sink holding the MOSFET devices.
7) TEMPERATURE #1: this is the temperature of the right motor; if the option is programmed “NONE” it shows 0.
8) TEMPERATURE #2: this is the temperature of the LEFT motor; if the option is programmed “NONE” it shows 0.
9) ACCELERATOR: the voltage of the accelerator potentiometer's wiper (CPOT). The voltage level is shown on the Left Hand Side of the Console Display and the value in percentage is shown on the Right Hand Side.
10) STEER ANGLE: this is the indication of the angular position of the steered wheel.
11) BRAKE PEDAL POTI: voltage of the brake potentiometer's wiper (CPOTB). The parameter is active only if the PEDAL BRAKING parameter is set ANALOG
12) INTERNAL WHEEL CUTBACK: this is the indication of the speed reduction applied to the internal wheel: in other words, it shows the ratio of the two speeds.
13) SEAT SWITCH: the level of the Seat Microswitch digital input.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
14) FOWARD SWITCH: the level of the Forward direction digital input FW.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
15) BACKWARD SWITCH: the level of the Reverse direction digital input BW.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
16) ENABLE SWITCH: the level of the Enable digital input:
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
17) BRAKE SWITCH: the level of the Pedal Brake Microswitch.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
18) CUTBACK SWITCH: the level of the Speed Reduction Microswitch.
ON/ GND = input active, switch open.
OFF/ +VB= input non active, switch closed.
19) EXCLSIVE HYDRO: status of the exclusive hydro switch.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
20) HAND BRAKE: the level of the Handbrake Microswitch.
ON/ GND = input active, switch open.
OFF/ +VB= input non active, switch closed.
21) VOLTAGE BOOSTER: this is the booster of the voltage supplied to the motor in load condition; it it expressed in a percentage of the full voltage.
22) BATTERY VOLTAGE: level of battery voltage measured at the input of the key switch.
23) BATTERY CHARGE: the percentage Charge level of the battery.
6.6.2"Dualac2" and “Dualac2 Power”-Slave
1) MOTOR VOLTAGE: this it the voltage supplied to the motor by the inverter; it is expressed as a percentage of the full voltage (which depends of the battery voltage).
2) FREQUENCY: this is the frequency of the voltage and current supplied to the motor.
3) ENCODER: this is the speed of the motor, expressed in the same unit of the frequency; this information comes from the speed sensor.
4) SLIP VALUE: this is the difference of speed between the rotating filed and the shaft of the motor, expressed in the same unit of the frequency.
5) CURRENT RMS: Root Mean Square value of the motor current.
6) TEMPERATURE: the temperature measured on the aluminum heat sink holding the MOSFET devices.
7) SEAT SWITCH: the level of the Seat Microswitch digital input.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
8) FORWARD SWITCH: the level of the Forward direction digital input FW.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
9) BACKWARD SWITCH: the level of the Reverse direction digital input BW.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
10) ENABLE SWITCH: the level of the Enable digital input.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
11) VOLTAGE BOOSTER: this is the booster of the voltage supplied to the motor in load condition; it is expressed in a percentage of the full voltage.
12) BATTERY VOLTAGE: level of battery voltage measured at the input of the key switch.
6.6.3"Dualac2&hp' and “Dualac2&hp Power”- Master
1) MOTOR VOLTAGE: this is the voltage supplied to the motor by the inverter; it is expressed as a percentage of the full voltage (which depends of the battery voltage).
2) FREQUENCY: this is the frequency of the voltage and current supplied to the motor.
3) ENCODER: this is the speed of the motor, expressed in the same unit of the frequency; this information comes from the speed sensor.
4) SLIP VALUE: this is the difference of the speed between the rotating field and the shaft of the motor, expressed in the same unit of the frequency.
5) CURRENT RMS: Root Mean Square value of the motor current.
6) TEMPERATURE: the temperature measured on the aluminum heat sink holding the MOSFET devices.
7) TEMPERATURE #1: this is the temperature of the right motor; if the option is programmed “NONE” it shows 0.
8) TEMPERATURE #2: this is the temperature of the left motor; if the option is programmed “NONE” it shows 0.
9) ACCELERATION: the voltage of the accelerator potentiometer's wiper (CPOT). The voltage level is shown on the Left Hand Side of the Console Display and the value in percentage is shown on the Right Hand Side.
10) STEER ANGLE: this is the indication of the angular position of the steered wheel.
11) BRAKE PEDAL POTI: voltage of the brake potentiometer's wiper (CPOTB). The parameters active only if the PEDAL BRAKING parameter is set ANALOG.
12) INTERNAL WHEEL CUTBACK: this is the indication of the speed reduction applied to the internal wheel; in other words, it shows the ratio of the two speeds.
13) SEAT SWITCH: the level of the Seat Microswitch digital input.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
14) 2nd SPEED SWITCH: status of the second speed switch of the hydraulic system.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
15) 3RD RD SPEED SWITCH: status of the third speed switch of the hydraulic system.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
16) 4TH SPEED SWITCH: status of the fourth speed switch of the hydraulic system.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
17) 5TH SPEED SWITCH: status of the fifth speed switch of the hydraulic system.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
18) HYDRO SPEED REQ.: status of the hydro speed request of the hydraulic system.
ON/ +VB = input active, switch closed.
OFF/ GND= input non active, switch open.
19) PUMP CURRENT: current of the pump motor.
20) PUMP VMN: voltage between pump chopper output and -BATT.
21) PUMP TEMPERATURE: temperature of pump chopper power section.
22) VOLTAGE BOOSTER: this is booster of the voltage supplied to the motor in load condition; it is expressed in a percentage of the full voltage.
23) BATTERY VOLTAGE: level of battery voltage measured at the input of the key switch.
SAVE function allows to transfer controller parameters to the Pc console memory. With this function, a copy of the controller set of parameters can be retained in a PC and downloaded to another controller (see RESTORE).
RESTORE function allows to download controller parameters from the Pc console memory to the controller Eeprom. Thus a copy of the parameters stored in a Pc can be downloaded in a controller avoiding the parameter setting operation. For more details, please refer Pc console manual.
It is a self-diagnosing test within the logic between Master and Slave u controllers. This alarm could also be caused by a canbus malfunctioning, which blinds Master-Slave communication. So, before replacing the controller, check the canbus.
Fault in the hardware section of the logic board which manages the hardware current protection. Replace the logic board.
Fault in the hardware section of the logic board which manages the phase's voltage feedback Replace the logic board.
This alarm signals that the undervoltage/ overvoltage protection interrupt has been triggered.
Two possible reasons:
a. A real undervoltage/ overvoltage situation happened.
b. Fault in the hardware section of the logic board which manages the overvoltage protection.
Replace the logic card.
The rest is carried out during initial diagnosis and in standby. Possible cause:
a. problem with the motor connections or the motor power circuit; check if the 3 phases are correctly connected; check if there's a dispersion of the motor to truck frame.
b. fault in the inverter power section, replace the controller.
The uCs verify if the feedback of current sensors device output is within the zero current window. Possible causes of the alarm:
a. Current sensor failure;
b. failure in the logic card: first replace the logic card; if the defect persists, replace the power unit.
Follows the charging capacitor system: When the key is switch ON. The inverter tries to charge the capacitor thought a power resistance, and check if the capacitor are charged within a timeout. If they do not charge, an alarm is signaled ; the main contactor is not closed.
Possible reasons:
a) The charging resistance is opened.
b) The charging circuit has a failure.
c) There is a problem in the power section.
When the key is switch ON the uController checks the LC coil driver short-circuit protection hardware. If it does not react in a correct way to the uC stimulus, the alarm is signaled. Replace the logic board. When the fault occurs while the LC is closed, the alarm signals a short-circuit across LC coil. Check if there are external short-circuit and if the ohmic value of the MC coil is correct; otherwise replace the logic.
When the key is switch ON, the uC checks that the LC coil driver is not shorted; if it is, this alarm is signaled. Preliminary, check if there is an external short or low impedance pull-down between NLC (C26) and -BATT. If no external causes can be found out, replace the controller.
When the initial diagnosis if finished, the traction logic closes the LC and checks the voltage on the Drain of the driver. If this is not low, the driver is not able to close an alarm is signaled.
Replace the logic.
The main contactor coil has been driven by the logic board, but the contactor does not close.
Two possible reasons:
a) the wires to the coil are interruption or not well connected.
b) the contact of the contactor is not properly working (does not pull-in).
Before driving the Lc coil, the controller checks if the LC contact is stuck. The controller drivers the bridge for a while, trying to discharge the capacitor bank. If they don't discharge, the fault condition is entered. It is suggested to check the contactor contact, if it is mechanically stuck.
This alarm is signaled in following condition: the frequency supplied to the motor is higher than 20 Hz, and the signal feedback from the encoder has a jump higher than 20 Hz in few tens millisecond. This condition clearly shows a malfunctioning of the encoder signal. It is suggested to preliminary check the encoder wiring; if no fault is found in the wiring it is necessary to replace the encoder.
This is an alarm which signals an out of range of the steering potentiometer signal. The fault
condition is entered in these two following conditions:
-the “Set steer 0 pos” (straight wheels programmation) parameter is wrong (lower than “Set steer min” or higher than "Set steer max').
-the feedback signal of the steering potentiometer is outside the window defined by “set steer min” or higher than “Set steer max” parameters.
In the first case, repeat the steering potentiometer acquisition. In the second case check the steering poti and its wiring. Eventually , repeat again the steering potentiometer acquisition.
This alarm is signaled if a fault is detected in the accelerator unit wiring (NPOT or PPOT cable is interrupted).
When the key is turned ON, the controller check the battery voltage and compares it with the “SET BATTERY” parameter setting . If the actual value is 20% higher or lower than normal value, the fault condition is entered. Replace the battery with a correct battery.
Slave and Master uCs perform a cross-check in order to verify their functionality. If the MASTER detects SLAVE uC malfunctioning, it brings the controller in a safe status opening the power bridge and the Line Contactor.
Slave and Master uCs perform a cross-check in order to verify their functionality. There are two conditions under which slave enters this fault condition:
-the SLAVE Uc receives incoherent can message from the MASTER uC
-the SLAVE uC compares the inputs status and the related MASTER operations, and find they are not coherent.
In both cases, the SLAVE brings the controller to a safe status opening the power bridge and the Line contactor.
Safety related inputs (Fw direction, Rev direction, acceleration enable, seat switch)are input to both microcontrollers by independent hw circuit. The two uCs read these inputs and compare by exchanging related status on the canbus. If the SLAVE uC finds a mismatch between its inputs and MASTER inputs, it brings the controller to a safe status opening the power bridge and the Line contactor
The uP checks the driver of the electromrchanical brake coil. If the status of the driver output does not correspond to the signal coming from the uP, the alarm is signaled. It is suggested to preliminary check if there is an external short or low impendence pull down between NAUX (31) and -BATT. If no external cause can be found, replace the logic card.
Fault in the area of memory in which the adjustment parameters are stored; this alarm does not inhibits truck operation, but the controller will use default parameters. If the defect persists when the key is switch OFF and ON again, replace the logic. If the alarm disappears, remember that the parameters stored previously have ben cancelled and replaced by the default values.
Master or Slave or both temperatures are greater than 75C. The maximum current is reduced proportionally to the temperature increase. At 100C the max current of both inverter is reduced to zero. If the alarm is signaled when the controller is cold:
a) thermal sensor failure;
b) failure in the logic card.
This warning is signaled if right or left or both motors temperature switches open (digital sensor) or if analog signals overtakes the cut off level. If it happens when the motor is cold, heck the wiring, If all is ok, replace the logic board.
If the “battery check” option is ON, a battery discharge algorithm is carried out. When the
charge level is 20%, the alarm is signaled and the current is reduced to the half of the programmed level.
The test is made in standby. This alarm indicates that the accelerator voltage is 1V greater then the minimum value programmed by the PROGRAM VACC function. Possible causes:
a. the potentiometer is not correctly calibrated;
b. the potentiometer is defective.
This alarm signals an incorrect staring sequence. Possible causes:
a. Fw or Rev or Enable microswitch failure;
b. error in sequence made by the operator;
c. incorrect wiring;
d. if the default persist after checking the harness, replace the logic.
The test is carried out continuously, An alarm is signaled when a double running request is made simultaneously. Possible causes:
a. defective wiring;
d. running microswitch failure;
c. incorrect operation;
d. if the defect persists, replace the logic.
The range of inverter temperature sensor is always checked and a warning is signaled if it is out of range. When this alarm is signaled, the maximum current of the controller is reduced to halt.
The Slave has detected a failure, the Master cannot close the main contactor because of the alarm status of the Slave (which the Master knows by the CAN-Bus line). The failure must be looked for in the Slave controller, use the remote console to get connection to the Slave uC.
The Master uC has detected a fault condition, the Slave is aware of this thanks to canbus communication; it cannot drive the motor until the Master has resolved its problem. The fault has to be looked for in the Master.
Master (node #3) signals that is has lost can communication with the Slave (node #4) This fault could be determined by a problem in the truck canbus line or by an internal problem in the controller logic card. It is suggested to preliminary check canbus connection.
Slave (node#4) signals that it has lost can communication with the Master (node#3). This fault could be determined by the a problem in the truck canbus line or by an internal problem in the controller logic card. It is suggested to preliminary check canbus connection.
Code |
Alarm string |
master |
slave |
Controller status |
description |
Condition that has to occur to come out from alarm status |
Init |
Stby |
Motor running |
8 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM the watchdog has been triggered |
-If the alarm is present in Init status, remove the alarm codition |
17 |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM failure in over-load protection hw circuit |
To remove alarm condition + |
18 |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM failure in U, V, W voltage feedback circuit |
To alarm condition + activation of traction request |
19 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM an overvoltage or undervolted. Condition has been detected |
To recycle the key switch |
53 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM Wrong voltage in the current sensor feedback circuit |
- If the alarm is present in Init status, remove the alarm condition -If the alarm has occurred in stby or running mode, it is necessary to remove alarm condition and to activate a traction request. |
60 |
s |
s |
s |
ALARM power capacitor voltage does not increase when the key is turned ON; failure in the power section, or in the logic PCB, or in the driver PBC, or in the motor |
To remove alarm condition |
74 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM line contactor coil driver is shorted |
If the alarm is present in Init status, remove the alarm cause -If the alarm has occurred in stby or running mode, it is necessary to remove alarm cause and to activate a traction request. |
75 |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM line contactor coil driver is open (not able to drive the coil to the correct voltage) |
To remove alarm cause and to activate traction request |
Code |
Alarm string |
master |
slave |
Controller status |
Description Init |
Condition that has to occur to come out from alarm status Stby |
Init |
Stby |
Motor running |
76 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM -Init the LC and EB coil driver protection circuit is damaged - stby or running short on LC coil or EB coil |
If the alarm is present in Init status, remove the alarm cause-If the alarm has occurred in stby or running mode, it is necessary to remove alarm cause and to activate a traction request. |
37 |
x |
x |
ALARM line contactor power contact is stuck |
To remove alarm cause within a timeout; if the timeout is elapsed, it is necessary to remove alarm cause and to activate traction request |
38 |
x |
x |
ALARM line contactor power contact dose not pull-in |
To remove alarm cause within a timeout; if the timeout is elapsed, it is necessary to recycle the key |
82 |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM motor speed sensor (encoder) does not work properly |
To recycle the key |
84 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM steering poti signal out of rage |
To remove the alarm cause |
86 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM fault in accelerator negative (NPOT) input circuit |
To remove alarm cause and activate a traction request |
245 |
x |
x |
ALARM the battery voltage dose not correspond to “SET BATTERY” programmation |
To remove the alarm cause |
246 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM Master µC detects a slave µC malfunctioning |
To recycle the key |
247 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM slave µC detects a Master µC detects malfunctioning or a mismatch between input status and Master commands(via canbus) |
To recycle the key |
Code |
Alarm string |
master |
slave |
Controller status |
Description Init |
Condition that has to occur to come out from alarm status Stby |
Init |
Stby |
Motor running |
250 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM slave µChas detects a mismatch between input status and input status transmitted via canbus by Master µC |
To recycle the key |
253 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM EB coil driver shorted or open |
If the alarm is present in Init status, remove the alarm cause -If the alarm has occurred in stby or running mode, it is necessary to remove alarm cause and to activate a traction request. |
13 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Eeprom fault, controller will use default parameters |
To remove Warning cause |
61 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Master or Slave or both temperature higher than 75℃ |
To remove Warning cause |
65 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Right or lift or both temperature high |
To remove Warning cause |
66 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning battery charge level below 20% |
To remove Warning cause
Code |
Alarm string |
master |
slave |
Controller status |
Description Init
Condition that has to occur to come out from alarm status Stby |
Init |
Stby |
Motor running |
78 |
x |
x |
x |
Warning accelerator signal (CPOT) voltagehigherthanVACCMIN+1V while the traction enables witch is open
To remove Warning cause |
79 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Wrong traction request sequence |
To remove Warning cause |
80 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Forward and reverse input are both active |
To remove Warning cause |
249 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Master or slave temperature sensor is out of range |
To remove Warning cause |
251 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Master µC signal that slave µC is in alarm status |
To remove Warning cause |
251 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Slave µC signal that master µC is in alarm status |
To remove Warning cause |
241 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM Master has lost can communication with the slave |
To remove Warning cause |
247 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
ALARM Slave has lost can communication with the master |
To remove Warning cause |
Code |
Alarm string |
master |
slave |
Controller status |
Description Init |
Condition that has to occur to come out from alarm status Stby |
Init |
Stby |
Motor running |
28 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ALARM Wrong voltage output of pump chopper, the motor voltage feed back is not coherent with applied PWM |
If the alarm is present inInit status, ,remove the alarm cause -If the alarm has occurred in stby or running mode, it is necessary to remove fault cause and to activate a function request. |
56 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ALARM in stby condition (no PWM applied to pump chopper) the pump current sensor feed back is out of the zero current window. |
If the alarm is present in Init status, remove the alarm cause -If the alarm has occurred in stby in or running mode, it is necessary to remove fault cause and to activate a function request. |
242 Slave |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning the pump chopper temperature is higher than 75℃ |
To remove Warning cause |
242 Master |
“PUMP” |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Warning Master controller signals that salve µC has detected a fault in the pump chopper |
To remove Warning cause
243 |
x |
x |
x |
Warning pump incorrect start sequence |
To remove Warning cause
244 |
x |
x |
x |
Warning pump accelerator voltage is 1V greater than the minimum value programmed |
To remove Warning cause
1. PUMP VMNLOW The pump chopper power output is feedback to the μC. If this feedback voltage is not coherent with the applied PWM, this fault condition is signaled. There could be many causes:- failure in the pump chopper power section- failure in the pump chopper driving section- failure in the pump chopper voltage feedback circuit- dispersion in the pump motor to truck frame. 2. PUMP STBY I HIGH The pump chopper current sensor feedback is out of the zero-current window while no PWM is applied to the pump chopper. The most likely cause is a failure in the current sensor. 3. PUMP TEMPERATURE Pump chopper temperature is higher than 75°C, maximum current is proportionally reduced. If the alarm is present when the controller is cold, there is a failure in the temperature sensor or in the feedback circuit. 4. PUMP This is a warning in the MASTER controller, which inform that the SLAVE is in a pump chopper related fault condition.
Error Code
Error detected by VMC20
Nr |
Source |
Condition |
When |
Tract |
Main |
PS |
Reset |
Remark |
101 |
Switch startup error |
ACCEL switch active at startup |
ON |
- |
Tract set speed=0 |
102 |
Switch startup error |
FW|REV switch active at startup |
- |
Tract set speed=0 |
103 |
Direction switch error |
FW and REV ON at the same time |
- |
Tract set speed=0 |
104 |
Accel pot error |
Pot voltage>95%orPot voltage<5%ofVX_out |
ON |
ON |
- |
Tract set speed=0 |
105 |
Accel switch error |
Voltage>30%whenACC switch is not active |
ON |
ON |
- |
Tract set speed=0 |
106 |
Steer pot error |
Pot voltage>95%orPot voltage<5%ofVX_out |
ON |
ON |
- |
Error accel will be used with max speed/10. Speed distribution as when driving straight. |
107 |
Battery under voltage |
48V:Lessthan28.2V/.8s 36V:Lessthan24.8V/.8s |
- |
Detected by canion, not by ACS |
108 |
ACS under voltage |
Voltage < limit (Parameter for more than 0.8 xec |
- |
Detected by canion, not by ACS |
109 |
Battery over voltage |
More than 65V/0.8s |
- |
Detected by canion, not by ACS |
110 |
ACS over voltage |
Voltage>limit(Parameter) formorethan0.8sec |
- |
Detected by canion, not by ACS |
111 |
Communication error |
See5.2.1 |
ON |
- |
Tract speed=0 |
112 |
PM brush wear |
Brush wear sensor=ON |
ON |
ON |
- |
113 |
PM thermal |
PM thermal sensor=ON |
ON |
ON |
- |
114 |
Battery low voltage |
Battery LED=ON |
ON |
ON |
- |
*This error will only occur if optional sensors are installed. |
115 |
Startup error |
Internal error at startup |
ON |
- |
*This error will only occur if optional sensors are installed. |
It should charge to the battery. |
Error detected by left ACS (EMCY)
Nr |
Source |
Condition |
When |
Tract |
Main |
PS |
Reset |
Remark |
251 |
Short circuit |
ACS is shorted or motor terminals are shorted |
ON |
ACS may be damaged if short circuit is internal. |
252 |
ACS over temperature |
ACS hs temp>115degC |
ON |
ON |
253 |
Motor over temperature |
Motor temp>185degC |
ON |
ON |
254 |
ACS current sensor error |
ACS current sensor error |
ON |
ON |
ACS must be repaired |
255 |
Charging timeout |
ACS capacitors are not charged within 10sec from power on |
ON |
ON |
Check charging circuit |
256 |
ACS no response |
ACS does not respond at startup |
ON |
ON |
Check CAN bus wiring. |
257 |
ACS PDO timeout |
ACS CAN open timeout ( detected byVMC20) |
ON |
ON |
Check CAN bus wiring. |
358 |
ACS SDO error |
ACS SDO error (wrong SW version) |
ON |
ON |
Check SW version |
259 |
CAN open timeout |
ACS CAN open timeout (detected byVMC20) |
ON |
ON |
Check CAN bus wiring.
260 |
ACS low voltage trip |
ACS voltage<15V |
ON |
ON |
Instantaneous voltage |
261 |
ACS high voltage trip |
ACS voltage>68V(software) |
ON |
ON |
Instantaneous voltage |
262 |
ACS high voltage trip |
ACS voltage>68V(hardware) |
ON |
ON |
Instantaneous voltage |
263 |
ACS PCB temp trip |
ACSP CB temp>115degC(only GEN4...NEVERforGEN5) |
ON |
ON |
264 |
Other error |
ON |
ON |
Any other EMCY form ACS |
Errors detected by left ACS (Warning)
Nr |
Source |
Condition |
When |
Tract |
Main |
PS |
Reset |
Remark |
201 |
ACS low temp warning |
ACS heat sink temp<-20 degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or Heat sink temp normal |
Lowest Accel will be used. |
202 |
ACS high temp warning |
ACS heat sink temp>85 degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or Heat sink temp normal |
Lowest Accel will be used.
203 |
Motor high temp warning |
Motor temp>145degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used.
204 |
Heat sink temp sensor error |
ACS heat sink temps ensor error |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used.
205 |
Motor low temp warning |
Motor temp<-50degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used.
206 |
Motor temp sensor error |
Motor temp sensor not connected or short circuit |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or sensor connected |
Lowest Accel will be used.
207 |
Speed feedback sensor error |
Speed feedback sensor not connected/ short circuit |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or sensor connected |
ACS cannot control speed correctly. No driving allowed. |
208 |
ACS high voltage warning |
ACS voltage>68V |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or voltage back to normal |
Lowest Accel will be used |
209 |
ACS low voltage warning |
ACS voltage<22.5V |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or voltage back to normal |
Lowest Accel will be used |
210 |
ACS default values loaded |
Default parameters are used in ACS |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used. |
211 |
Power reduce |
Power is reduced (by some warning condition) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
212 |
Check sum error |
Calibration parameter check sum error |
ON |
ON |
ON |
213 |
PCB low temp warning |
PCB temp<-20 degC (only GEN4NEVERforGEN5) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
214 |
PCB high temp warning |
PCB temp>100degC (only GEN4NEVERforGEN5) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
215 |
PCB sensor error |
PCB temp sensor error (only GEN4 NEVER for GEN5) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
216 |
Current sensor default error |
Current measurement default error |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Errors detected by right ACS (EMCY)
Nr |
Source |
Condition |
When |
Tract |
Main |
PS |
Reset |
Remark |
351 |
Short circuit |
ACS is shorted or motor terminals are shorted |
ON |
ACS may be damaged if short circuit is internal. |
352 |
ACS over temperature |
ACS hs temp>115degC |
ON |
ON |
353 |
Motor over temperature |
Motor temp>185degC |
ON |
ON |
354 |
ACS current sensor error |
ACS current sensor error |
ON |
ON |
ACS must be repaired |
355 |
Charging timeout |
ACS capacitors are not charged within 10sec from power on |
ON |
ON |
Check charging circuit |
356 |
ACS no response |
ACS does not respond at startup |
ON |
ON |
Check CAN bus wiring. |
357 |
ACS PDO timeout |
ACS CAN open timeout (detectedbyVMC20) |
ON |
ON |
Check CAN bus wiring. |
358 |
ACS SDO error |
ACS SDO error (wrong SW version) |
ON |
ON |
Check SW version |
359 |
CAN open timeout |
ACS CAN open timeout (detectedbyVMC20) |
ON |
ON |
Check CAN bus wiring. |
360 |
ACS low voltage trip |
ACS voltage<15V |
ON |
ON |
Instantaneous voltage |
361 |
ACS high voltage trip |
ACS voltage>68V(software) |
ON |
ON |
Instantaneous voltage |
362 |
ACS high voltage trip |
ACS voltage>68V(hardware) |
ON |
ON |
Instantaneous voltage |
363 |
ACS PCB temp trip |
ACSPCB temp>115degC (only GEN4...NEVER for GEN5) |
ON |
ON |
364 |
Other error |
ON |
ON |
Any other EMCY form ACS. |
Errors detected by right ACS (Warning)
Nr |
Source |
Condition |
When |
Tract |
Main |
PS |
Reset |
Remark |
301 |
ACS low temp warning |
ACS heat sink temp<-20 degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or Heat sink temp normal |
Lowest Accel will be used. |
302 |
ACS high temp warning |
ACS heat sink temp>85 degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or Heat sink temp normal |
Lowest Accel will be used.
303 |
Motor high temp warning |
Motor temp>145degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used.
304 |
Heat sink temp sensor error |
ACS heat sink temps sensor error |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used.
305 |
Motor low temp warning |
Motor temp<-50degC |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used.
306 |
Motor temp sensor error |
Motor temp sensor not connected or short circuit |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or sensor connected |
Lowest Accel will be used.
307 |
Speed feedback sensor error |
Speed feedback sensor not connected/ short circuit |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or sensor connected |
ACS cannot control speed correctly. No driving allowed. |
308 |
ACS high voltage warning |
ACS voltage>68V |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or voltage back to normal |
Lowest Accel will be used |
309 |
ACS low voltage warning |
ACS voltage<22.5V |
ON |
ON |
ON |
KEY=OFF or voltage back to normal |
Lowest Accel will be used |
310 |
ACS default values loaded |
Default parameters are used in ACS |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Lowest Accel will be used. |
311 |
Power reduce |
Power is reduced (by some warning condition) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
312 |
Check sum error |
Calibration parameter check sum error |
ON |
ON |
ON |
313 |
PCB low temp warning |
PCB temp<-20 degC (only GEN4NEVERforGEN5) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
314 |
PCB high temp warning |
PCB temp>100degC (only GEN4NEVERforGEN5) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
315 |
PCB sensor error |
PCB temp sensor error (only GEN4 NEVER for GEN5) |
ON |
ON |
ON |
316 |
Current sensor default error |
Current measurement default error |
ON |
ON |
ON |
Electrical controller maintenance: There are no user serviceable parts in the controller. No attempt should be made to open, repair, or otherwise modify the controller. Doing so may damage the controller and will void the warranty. It is recommended that the controller be kept clean and dry that its diagnostics history. let be checked and cleared periodically. CLEANING Periodically cleaning the controller exterior will help protect it against corrosion and possible electrical control problems created by dirt, grime, and chemicals that are part of the operating environment and that normally exist in battery powered systems. When working around any battery powered vehicle, proper safety precautions should be taken. These include, but are not limited to: proper training, wearing eye protection, and avoiding loose clothing and jewelry. Use the following cleaning procedure for routine maintenance. Never use a high pressure washer to clean the controller.
1. Remove power by disconnecting the battery.
2. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller’s B+ and B- terminals.
3. Remove any dirt or corrosion from the power and signal connector areas. The controller should be wiped clean with a moist rag. Dry it before reconnecting the battery.
4. Make sure the connections are tight for maximum tightening torque specifications for the battery and motor connection。
*Click on link to see original document: